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Town of Newmarket Invites Your Feedback on Proposed Animal Control and Pet Store Regulations

Council for the Town of Newmarket will be considering proposed regulations related to Animal Control and Pet Store Licensing through a Special Virtual Committee of the Whole Meeting, scheduled for Monday, June 15, 2020 at 1:00 pm.
The proposed regulations are based on public consultations, which CKC members were invited to participate in earlier this year regarding future changes to the Town’s animal control by-law and the introduction of licensing pet stores. Topics included pet sources, noise control, tethering and restrictions on dog collars (choke, chain, and prong).
To review the proposed regulations and the results of the public consultations, please review the Agenda for the June 15 meeting.
Residents are invited to provide feedback to Council regarding Animal Control or Pet Store Licensing regulations by:
  1. Providing comments in writing to [email protected] no later than end of day on Wednesday June 10, 2020. These comments will be read aloud by the Mayor during the live meeting, considered with the related item, and will form part of the public record; or,
  2. Joining the live meeting using the Town's videoconferencing software and verbally provide your comments over video or telephone. To select this option, you must notify [email protected] no later than end of day Wednesday, June 10, 2020 and be available to test your connection on Thursday, June 11th or Friday, June 12th. 
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > June > Town of Newmarket Invites Your Feedback on Proposed Animal Control and Pet Store Regulations