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New Guide for Clubs Hosting Scent Detection Trials

The CKC Scent Detection Council is pleased to share that they have developed a new guide to assist Clubs in hosting scent detection trials.
This new guide provides information to help answer questions on specific procedures, and is intended to be used in conjunction with the Scent Detection Trial Rules and Regulations. It supports Clubs with information on selecting trial venues, roles and responsibilities associated with trial preparations, required supplies, and more.
The guide can be found on CKC’s website with the Event Rules and Regulations documents on the Event Forms page as well as on the Scent Detection page.
Consistent with the current rulebook released January 1, 2019, the guide will be updated to coincide with the release of the next revision of the Scent Detection Rulebook.
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > July > New Guide for Clubs Hosting Scent Detection Trials