Miscellaneous Registrations
Individuals who are awaiting a Miscellaneous Certificate Number (MCN) can temporarily enter events with closing dates no later than March 31, 2020 without a registration number, and the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) will assign an MCN once the backlog has been cleared. All points and titles earned under the listed entries will be connected with the MCN once assigned.
Listing Fees
Individuals waiting on registration numbers for recognized breeds can enter CKC events as “listed”.
Those paying listing fees due to the impact of the backlog are encouraged to forward copies of their entries to
[email protected] with the subject line “Listing Fee Reimbursements”. The body of the email must include the date the registration application was submitted as well as whether it was submitted using the online Portal or emailed/mailed. Pending an assessment by CKC, a reimbursement of the associated listing fees will be issued.
Premium Lists & Judging Panels
CKC’s judging panel approval process is currently delayed. In an effort to support clubs in publishing their Premium Lists so that their entries are not impacted, Clubs that are awaiting final approval of judging panels are encouraged to release their premium list marked *
SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING CKC APPROVAL*. Exhibitors and participants should note that published Premium Lists may not be final.
Temporary Competition Numbers
With the implementation of CKC’s IT system, a new process requires all owners of unregistered, recognized breeds entering events to obtain a
Temporary Competition Number (TCN). TCNs will replace the current system of entering events with dogs as “listed” and will allow dogs to temporarily participate in CKC events while they pursue permanent registration or an Event Registration Number (ERN).
TCNs will be required to enter all events with closing dates after March 2, 2020.
Event Results
We understand and appreciate how important accessing event results are to our members and non-members who participate in CKC events. Providing access to event results is a priority for CKC.
2019 event results are current until August 28, 2019.
Currently, our highest priority and attention is focused on ensuring the required updates are made to the functionality of dog and litter registrations on the CKC Portal. Once this is resolved event results will be entered into the system and title certificates will follow. We appreciate your continued patience.
If you have any questions about any information in this update, please contact Shows & Trials at 416-675-5511 or 1-855-364-7252 (toll-free).