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City of Calgary Seeks Feedback in Phase 2 of Consultations Re: Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw Review

The City of Calgary is seeking feedback in Phase 2 of its consultations on its Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw Review, based on the results of Phase 1. CKC members had the opportunity to participate in the City’s Phase 1 public consultations earlier this year.

Feedback from phase 2—which includes input from the public, targeted stakeholders and City staff, including research and municipal scans—will be used to update potential bylaw amendments before the updates are presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Community & Protective Services and City Council between January and April 2021.

Phase 2 engagement includes four targeted stakeholder online workshops that take place on August 27, August 29, September 2 and September 15, 2020. There will also be a public presentation on September 8 and September 12, 2020, along with a public survey.

We encourage all members to review the feedback from Phase 1 and take the online public survey to weigh in on important subjects such as:
  • Dangerous dog control (without referencing breed specific language)
  • Household limits on the number of dogs owned with the option to apply for additional dogs
  • Voluntary bandana colour program to indicate how dogs should be approached in dog parks
  • Lifetime and/or multi-year pet licences
  • Fine increases for Responsible Pet Ownership violations
The public survey is open until September 17, 2020.

For more information, visit
AccueilHome > News > 2020 > August > City of Calgary Seeks Feedback in Phase 2 of Consultations Re: Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw Revie