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Update from CKC’s Executive Director

As we move through these unusual circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, I have a number of updates on various aspects of CKC’s business to share with you.
The current situation has affected many of our normal day-to-day operations, but I am encouraged and thankful for the support and understanding our CKC community continues to show as we all learn to adapt.

General Operations
  • CKC’s office is closed and staff are working remotely. Fortunately, the new IT system is web-based, which allowed for immediate remote access for all staff.  
  • Product orders, including microchips, are being fulfilled twice weekly.
  • Because our phone system does not allow for home-based accessibility, we have re-launched our Live Chat service, and are developing an expansion plan based on the positive feedback received to date. If you haven’t tried Live Chat yet, you can check it out by visiting and clicking on the blue Live Chat button on the right-hand side of the screen. Staff Members are available to assist Monday through Friday, 9-5 ET.
  • Members of the CKC community can call the office and leave messages for staff. We are working with a significant backlog of messages and appreciate your patience as we work to improve our turnaround time to return calls.
  • While everyone’s health is of paramount priority, the financial health of the Club is also a significant concern. During this period of uncertainly, please be assured that careful efforts are being made to analyze and readjust our financial projections to inform appropriate and conscientious actions. To date, these actions include exploring government assistance programs, implementing cost cutting measures and deferring expenses. Over the past several years, the Club has prepared for unforeseen crises and that planning is influencing our ability to weather this crisis thus far.
Registration Services
  • Staff continue to focus on the registration backlog as well as new incoming applications received daily. We continue to make progress and most items received in 2019 are now completed. You can log into your Portal account to determine the status of your applications by visiting the My Applications page found under My CKC in the top blue menu bar. 
  • System updates are implemented regularly to improve user experience, including adding more online application options and improving online instructions and enhanced information directly on applications and in the Portal. Visit CKC’s Support Centre to learn more.
  • Dog and litter certificates are emailed within five to 10 business days of applications being finalized (approved and paid for), unless you don’t have an email address on file with CKC. In this case, contact Membership Services to update your email address.
More information about the printing and mailing of certificates can be found in this update.

Shows & Trials
  • Conformation event results are being entered into the system.  The display of dog points and titles on the Portal is expected to launch late Spring with other disciplines to follow.
  • The COVID-19 crisis is wreaking havoc on the purebred dog community and undoubtedly clubs are uncertain about what the future holds for events and other activities. When we overcome the crisis and look to regain normalcy, CKC staff expect to support clubs in creative ways to re-schedule postponed events and add new events with special consideration to the current rules. While we can’t dictate when and how clubs should schedule their events, CKC staff will support clubs in the most fair and transparent way possible using flexibility when events are re-scheduled.  
Postponement of the CKC Junior Handling National Championship
  • The Junior Kennel Club Council, in collaboration with the show giving club, has cancelled/postponed the 2019 CKC Junior Handling National Championships for Conformation and Obedience that was  scheduled to be held in Chomedy, Quebec on September 19th, 2020. The Council is working on a contingency plan to salvage the National and the current Junior Handling competition year. Details will follow as the Council develops their plan.
  • CKC has resources available to Junior Handlers through their zone representatives and CKC’s website. This includes a free educational video series, Enter the Ring: Junior Handling 101 that would be a perfect way for Junior Handlers to continue their training while we wait for shows to resume.
Breeder Support
  • Since the virus outbreak, views on the Puppy List and resulting referrals to breeders have doubled compared to the same time last year. We’ve heard that demand is currently exceeding the number of puppies and dogs available. We are promoting responsible puppy purchase decisions in support of breeders, but at the same time are hopeful that the current situation creates an increased opportunity for breeders of purebred dogs long-term.
  • Launched just last week, a new Puppy List form has been added to your Portal account to support your ability to make changes to your listing on the Puppy List. It is found under My Applications in the top menu bar.
  • We’ve updated the Breeder Support Notice for breeders to give to their puppy buyers if certificates are delayed due to CKC’s current backlog. It is valid until June 1st.
  • We understand that breeding dogs during a pandemic can bring new challenges. CKC has gathered resources to help you during this uncertain time.
As a tight-knit community, we will get through this pandemic together. Please stay healthy and when the time is right, I look forward to the safe resumption of our usual activities following public heath and official directives.
Best Regards,

Lance Novak
Executive Director
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