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IT System Launch Update

At CKC we have wrapped up the data transfer from the old IT system and completing the final stages of testing and preparing to release the first wave of key features to our community on November 4th.

With the new Member Portal, members will have access to personalized dog related data, like titles and lineage information, for all owned, co-owned and transferred dogs. Due to CKC’s previous IT system having data inputted over several decades though, for a small percentage of our membership, your data may not appear in the Member Portal exactly where and how you expect it.

If you are missing data when you log onto the Portal on the 4th, don’t worry! This information is present in the new system, it will simply need to be connected to a member’s account by CKC staff. A simple form will be available at launch that you can fill out, and prompt CKC staff to review your information and link any missing dogs/information.

At launch we also encourage members to review and update their personal information and contact preferences, to ensure you are receiving up to date information and news from your Club. Members can also renew and upgrade their memberships – all online, from the convince of the Member Portal!

As we enter into the final stages of testing we look forward to sharing the new system with you. For more information on how the new IT system will change CKC operations and improve your member experience, you can keep up to date on the progress of the IT4YOU project through our website.
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