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Connecting Missing Dogs to your Portal Account

We are aware that many CKC members are missing dogs from their My Dogs listing on the online Portal. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following answers to the most frequent questions we have received.
Q. Why am I “missing” dogs in the My Dogs listing when I log into the online portal?
A. It is important to clarify that CKC’s new IT system and the online portal are two separate entities. CKC’s IT system is our internal network of computer systems that manage our day to day business. The online portal, which is what you log in to, acts as a bridge or access point to CKC’s IT system.
The integrity of CKC’s data is intact—all data was successfully transferred from our old IT system to our new IT system. The technical issue is with the communication between the IT system and the online portal and is simple to fix. This issue primarily affects co-owned dogs, but others as well.
Q. How do I connect dogs to my portal account?
A. Please complete this form to notify staff members which dogs need to be connected to your account.
After you submit the form staff will manually connect your dogs to your account. To maintain the integrity of all data, registration numbers are required with the submitted information. This allows staff to reference the dog in our IT system, confirm the requested information is correct and connect the dog to the appropriate portal account. 
Q. Why is my birthday/my dog’s birthday and other dates incorrect by one day?
A. When CKC launched the online portal there was an undiscovered issue within the online portal causing dates, including birthdates (dog and human), to show incorrectly. This, again, is an issue with how the IT system and portal are communicating with each other. We are in the process of implementing a system wide fix to correct this so no action is required by you. We will notify you when this is resolved.
Q. Why can I see dogs dating back decades and deceased dogs in the My Dogs list?
A. The online portal is currently structured to show all dogs associated with your member account since you first started interacting with CKC. For some, this encompasses decades of dog information including dogs who are deceased. CKC is working on adjusting the portal to allow users to choose how many dogs or which dogs are included in their My Dogs list. In the meantime, if you would like a specific dog removed from your list, please send an email to [email protected] with the Dog’s Registered name, Registration #, Breed and Date of Birth.
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