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CKC congratulates 50-year member Honey A. Glendinning

The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is proud to congratulate Honey A. Glendinning on her 50 years of dedication to CKC. Honey began as a breeder of top winning English Setters, then went on to professional handling, piloting many top winning dogs both in Canada and the U.S. Now as an esteemed all-breed judge she has judged dogs all over the world. Honey has continuously carried herself with such poise and grace, warmly welcoming newcomers to the sport with words of encouragement. She volunteered her time for many years as the Examination Committee Chair and Junior Handling Rep in Zone 11 where her wealth of knowledge and support was greatly appreciated. CKC thanks Honey for her contributions and is proud to have such an exemplary member as part of our community.

Chair of CKC’s Board, Joan Bennet, and Zone 12 Board Member, Lynne Bruce, recently presented Honey with a 50-year membership award during the Auld Lang Syne Dog Association Shows in Chilliwack BC.

Joan Bennet (left) congratulates Honey Glendinning (middle) as she accepts a 50-year membership award from Lynne Bruce (right).

AccueilHome > News > 2019 > May > CKC congratulates 50-year member Honey A. Glendinning