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ABVMA implements new policies effective July 1, 2019

The Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) informed CKC that the ABVMA Council approved policies at their April 24 council meeting regarding “unnecessary medical/surgical procedures” and the mandatory reporting of animal abuse and neglect. These policies take effect as of July 1, 2019.

As a result, Alberta registered veterinarians, registered veterinary technologists, permit holders, students and other members of the Association are banned from performing any elective and/or non-therapeutic medical/surgical procedures, including
  1. Ear Cropping: the surgical removal of a portion of the pinnae or auricles of the ear of a canine.
  2. Tail Docking: removal of all or part of the tail of dogs, horses, cattle, and includes tail blocking and tail nicking;
  3. Tail Nicking: cutting any of the tail muscles; and
  4. Tail Blocking: Injecting the major nerves of the tail with a substance which affect the animal’s ability to move the tail;
  5. Partial Digit Amputation, (declawing or onychectomy), elective and non-therapeutic of any felid, including domestic cats.
  6. Cosmetic Dentistry: to meet show or breed standards
  7. Tattooing: other than for registration and identification
  8. Body piercing: except in the case of livestock animals for the purpose of identification or to protect human safety
  9. Devocalization
  10. Front Dew Claw Removal
  11. Feline Tendonectomy
This new policy will also be reflected in the Veterinary Profession Act General Regulation, which governs the practice of veterinary medicine in Alberta. After July 1, 2019, veterinarians who perform any elective and/or non-therapeutic medical/surgical procedures could be subject to the ABVMA’s disciplinary process.

A second policy on Mandatory Reporting of Animal Abuse and Neglect was also approved by ABVMA council. The CKC has asked for further clarification about this policy and ABVMA has informed CKC that additional information and specific scenarios will follow in order to provide veterinary practices, dog owners and breeders with clarity on the intersection of these new policies. CKC has requested additional details regarding the timing of these scenarios that may dispel any confusion and will report on new information as it becomes available.

CKC continues to support freedom of choice for breeders of purebred dogs who can continue this practice to promote safety in performance activities and support hygienic animal husbandry.
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