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Changes to the licensing maintenance requirements for conformation judges effective immediately

The Policy & Procedures regarding Licensing Maintenance for All-Breed, Groups and Breed Judges has been amended by the CKC Board of Directors effective immediately.

In each five (5) year cycle, a judge must:

Attend a minimum of one (1) Canadian Kennel Club Advanced Judges Conference during the 5-year cycle.


Participate in one (1) CKC Conformation ring stewarding assignment for a minimum of four (4) hours.


Select one (1) requirement from Category A and one (1) from Category B as listed in the current policy.
Judges that are licensed to judge 3 breeds or less, are required to choose from the following options within each 5-year cycle:

Attend a minimum of one (1) Canadian Kennel Club Advanced Judges Conference during the 5-year cycle.


Write the Current Version of Section D, Rules & Procedures of the Conformation Judges Initial Exam. A minimum of 85% must be earned to be successful or all other policies regarding rewriting of the exam are applicable.


Participate as a Presenter or Attendee in a minimum of one (1) breed seminar on one of the breeds they are currently licensed to judge. The seminar to be a minimum of ninety (90) minutes in duration to qualify as a seminar.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > June > Changes to the licensing maintenance requirements for conformation judges effective immediately