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CKC Connects with CVO Re: Review on Surgical Procedures Policy

The Canadian Kennel Club recently met with the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) at their offices in Guelph, to learn more about the College’s process for reviewing its policy on “medically unnecessary procedures”.
While the College’s current position states that it does not support “medically unnecessary procedures”, as the regulatory body for veterinarians in Ontario, CVO recognizes that the trained, professional veterinarians of Ontario bring a wealth of expertise in deciding the best treatment and care for their patients.
CVO shared that a notice of motion was put forth regarding a review of “medically unnecessary procedures” at their March 2019 Council meeting. This motion was discussed at the June 2019 Council meeting and was not supported by a majority of Council members. CVO is continuing to seek legal advice on this matter and will discuss further at their Council meeting in September. Should proposed changes be brought forth at any point in the future, a full public consultation process will be undertaken.
CKC appreciates the College’s open and transparent approach as we work collaboratively through this process. We will continue to keep our members apprised as new information becomes available.
CKC continues to support freedom of choice for breeders who choose to work with their veterinarians to carry out procedures such as cropping, docking and front dewclaw removal, to promote safety in performance activities and support hygienic animal husbandry.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > July > CKC Connects with CVO Re: Review on Surgical Procedures Policy