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Notice to Conformation Clubs

The policy regarding Limited Breed Shows (Conformation) was amended by the Board at a special meeting held February 5, 2019.  The amended policy read as follows:
M.  Conformation Events 
1. Limited Breed Shows 
a)         A Club that has been approved to hold Multiple Shows, on any day of a 2, 3 or 4-day cluster will not be permitted to hold a Limited Breed Show at the same venue.
b)         Clubs holding regular All Breed Conformation Shows without limitations are permitted to hold either 1 Limited Breed Show for 1 full CKC recognized Group, or 1 Limited Breed Show for specific 'Theme' breeds within the CKC recognized groups per day.  Clubs approved for more than 1 Limited Breed Show, must include any combination of Limited  Breed Shows for Groups or Themes throughout the 2, 3 or 4-day event.
c)          All Breed Clubs may hold Limited Breed Shows for specific 'Theme' breeds within CKC recognized Groups. Theme Limited Breed Shows cannot be for a full CKC recognized Group and must be based on a common thread within the breed specific characteristics
d)         Each Limited Breed Show for theme breeds must be for 1 theme only.
e)        All Limited Breed Shows must be approved by the CKC Director for that particular zone in
           which the show will be held. The Director will provide written consent to the Shows
           & Trials Division.”
This motion is effective immediately
Tracy Kent
Supervisor, Shows and Trials Division
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