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Ontario Legislative Updates Re: Animal Welfare and Repeal of BSL

Bill 136: Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act

As you may know, the Ontario government recently proposed updated animal welfare legislation (PAWS Act). The Act is intended to impose tougher penalties for animal abuse and neglect. The Bill has passed second reading and has been referred to the Committee on Justice Policy. CKC sent a presentation to the Committee this week to express our support for the Bill in its current form, in support of our members and purebred dogs.

If passed, Bill 136 will be effective as of January 1, 2020.

Bill 147: Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019

Following the official announcement to table the Bill to repeal Breed Specific Legislation in Toronto last week, Bill 147 passed second reading and was referred to the Standing Committee on General Government. 
If passed, the changes would update the Dog Owners Liability Act and the Animals for Research Act—and end almost fifteen years of discriminatory legislation on Ontario.

CKC opposes fear-based breed-specific legislation (BSL) in favour of well-crafted dangerous dog legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory. We believe that public awareness and education, stronger enforcement of existing bylaws and stiffer penalties for irresponsible owners are more effective at protecting the public.

CKC continues to support MPP Rick Nicholls and MPP David Piccini and their efforts to move this Bill forward, in support of responsible dog ownership and canine welfare.

We will update members on the progression of this Bill as more information becomes available.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > December > Ontario Legislative Updates Re: Animal Welfare and Repeal of BSL