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New Montreal Regulations Take Effect January 1, 2020

As you may know, the City of Montreal updated its animal control bylaw in late 2018 by removing breed specific provisions. Additional changes will take effect as of January 1, 2020.  
One such change includes a mandatory spay/neuter requirement. We have worked with the City to ensure that CKC registered dogs that are to be used as part of a breeding program are exempt from the mandatory spay/neuter restrictions. We have made the City aware that many breeders do not advise early spay/neuter as studies indicate serious health and development implications.

At this time, we have been informed that a CKC registration certificate (without a non-breeding agreement) along with a contract and/or a co-ownership with the breeder will be accepted as proof for exemption. Also note that the City of Montreal does not allow dog breeding and owners should be prepared to show proof that the breeding will take place outside of the city.
Changes also include a ban on choke collars, prong collars and e-collars, and mandatory harnesses or head halters for dogs 20 kg+. CKC maintains that the decision to ban choke and e-collars is misguided and falls short of its intent to target irresponsible dog owners. We recognize that these integral and effective tools permit thousands of trainers, exhibitors and evaluators to carry out their work in a safe and effective manner. Review the entire animal control bylaw. (Only French available at this time)
We continue to work with the city to improve upon all provisions related to purebred dogs, in support of responsible dog ownership and well-crafted dangerous dog laws
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > December > New Montreal Regulations Take Effect January 1, 2020