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City of Dorval Removes Specific Breeds from Proposed Dangerous Dog Bylaw

CKC contacted the City of Dorval in the fall and sent a letter of support regarding their decision to remove breed specific provisions from the updated animal control bylaw. The revised animal control bylaw was tabled at the City’s October 21 council meeting and most recently, the city sent CKC the updated bylaw that no longer contains breed-specific references.
CKC maintains that appropriate dangerous dog legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory—along with public awareness and education, stronger enforcement of existing bylaws and stiffer penalties for irresponsible owners—is more effective at protecting the public.
We commend the City of Dorval in its decision to remove BSL from its animal control bylaw. We will continue to work with municipalities in their efforts to strengthen legislation and protect citizens.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > December > City of Dorval Removes Specific Breeds from Proposed Dangerous Dog Bylaw