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CKC Agility Team Canada Seeks Management Team Volunteers

The CKC Agility Team Canada seeks volunteers who are CKC Members and have an agility background to work on the Management Team over the next two-year term.
The Management Team selects, prepares, and in some cases travels with the competitors to a variety of international competitions. Management Team members are asked to be flexible within their defined roles.

The following executive positions are available:
  • Team Leader
  • Team Assistant
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Volunteers are also needed in the support roles of:
  • Fundraising and Sponsorship
  • Junior Agility Coordinator
How to Apply:
CKC members with an agility background who are interested in being part of the management team are invited to submit a cover letter and resume by Friday December 31, 2019 to the attention of: Sherry Weiss, Manager, Events at [email protected] or by mail to Canadian Kennel Club (Attention: Sherry Weiss) 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400, Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5Z9).
Applicants must specify which position they are applying for in their cover letter and should include their experience in agility, in addition to other professional qualifications, in their resume.
Retiring Management Team members may re-apply for an additional term, but new members are also required.
About CKC Agility Team Canada
The CKC Agility Team Canada is a non-profit, volunteer organization under the umbrella of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). CKC Agility Team Canada chooses dog and handler teams to represent Canada at Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) events: the European Open (EO), the Americas and Caribbean Open (A&C) and the Agility World Championships (AWC). We also select teams to represent Canada at the Crufts International Invitational and at the American Kennel Club's Agility Invitational
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