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New Top Dogs Addition for 2019: Herding

The Canadian Kennel Club is excited to announce that herding has been added to the 2019 CKC Top Dogs program!

Celebrating the achievements of Canadian competitors and their dogs in CKC-recognized events, Herding will be included in Top Dogs results for points earned as of January 1st, 2019. A herding trial reflects not only instinct, ability and training of the dog, but also an effective working partnership of dog and handler for controlling and moving livestock calmly and efficiently.  

CKC looks forward to sharing the successes of our members and their dogs competing in this event! 

The Top Herding Dogs system will award points based on the level and the dog’s score each time it qualifies.

Started, 3 points PLUS score over 95, 5 points
Intermediate, 4 points                90.5-95, 4 points
Advanced, 5 points                 85.5-90, 3 points
                  80.5-85, 2 points
                  75-80, 1 point

  • Herding Started Cattle competes with a Q of 82. This dog would earn 3 pts + 2 pts = total of 5 points.
  • Stock Dog Advanced Sheep competes with a Q of 76. This dog would earn 5 + 1 = total of 6 points.
  • Herding Advanced Sheep competes with a Q of 89. This dog would earn 5 + 3 = total of 8 points.
Share this news with your fellow members, competitors, events staff and clubs to help spread the news about the addition of herding to CKC's Top Dogs program! 

To learn more about the Top Dogs program and view results, visit the CKC Top Dogs page.
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