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Important Update on the 2016 & 2017 Referendums

Approvals from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The Canadian Kennel Club membership had the opportunity to vote on proposed amendments to the By-laws, recognition of new breeds and Rules of Eligibility (ROE) in the 2016 and 2017 Referendums.
After receiving the requisite support of the membership, an application was made to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) seeking approval and AAFC has now issued Certificates of Approval, effective July 24, 2019, for both the 2016 and 2017 Referendums.
Key Highlights

  • Membership Categories: We were unsuccessful in having our application approved to amend Section 7.1 MEMBERSHIP from the 2017 Referendum.  This was a proposal to define the categories of membership as well as rights and privileges in Club Policy so that it would be easier to make amendments whenever categories are either re-named or new categories introduced as the Club offers new added value programs. AAFC advises that requirements for membership must be established in by-laws according to the Animal Pedigree Act; however, there was an indication that there may be some other options which will be discussed with AAFC in the future
  • New Breeds and ROE: No new breeds or ROE were approved at this time, but we will continue our communications with AAFC in this regard. 
  • All other by-law amendments were approved as submitted.
The full list of 2016 & 2017 by-law amendments are available on CKC’s website.
Further details regarding the impact of these approved amendments will follow in the coming weeks. New opportunities, initiatives and programs have been made possible because of AAFC’s approvals. In the meantime, the Club will make any necessary changes to our official documents (forms, policies, etc.) and a new By-laws booklet will be made available for viewing on the CKC website. A hard copy will be available for members to order at no charge by contacting the CKC Order Desk at 1(800) 250-8040 or [email protected].

Your Club will continue to work hard to improve your member experience through future by-law amendments.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > August > Important Update on the 2016 & 2017 Referendums