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CKC hosts renowned speaker Jackie Wepruk at 2019 AGM

CKC is honoured to host renowned speaker, Jackie Wepruk, CKC member breeder and General Manager, National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) at this year’s AGM in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Saturday June 1, 2019.

Jackie's presentation will focus on:
-Why civil discourse and consensus-building is important for socially important issues like animal welfare (i.e. diversity leads to better decisions)
-Examples from the National Farm Animal Care Council
-Stumbling blocks/challenges/barriers
-What might CKC do to promote better decision-making on dog welfare

In her current capacity as General Manager of NFACC, Jackie facilitates a partnership between farmed animal industries, governments, the veterinary community, the humane movement and other allied groups to advance farm animal welfare in Canada. Read more ...

Member Recognition Reception
In addition to meeting with CKC Board Members, staff and fellow members, be sure to join us to  celebrate CKC members' outstanding contributions at the Member Recognition Reception.

Please confirm your attendance via this quick survey to ensure we have adequate coverage for seating and catering.

Confirm Attendance for AGM Here

AccueilHome > News > 2019 > April > CKC hosts renowned speaker Jackie Wepruk at 2019 AGM