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Update Re: Colchester, NS Draft Commercial Dog Care and Kennel Bylaw

In the fall of 2018, Colchester County requested feedback from CKC members and the public regarding the development of a new kennel development bylaw. CKC also presented to the Colchester Advisory Planning Committee in January 2019.
At the March 28 Colchester Council meeting, a staff update on the development of the Bylaw was given, along with a draft version of the Bylaw.  Please review the summary and draft bylaw here.
The first reading of the draft bylaw will take place at a Special Session of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of the County of Colchester held in Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 1 Church Street, Truro, Nova Scotia, on Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The purpose of this Special Session of Council is to consider the Commercial Dog Care and Kennel Facility By-law; and concurrent amendments to the Central Colchester Land Use By-law.
The current timeline for the Bylaw is as follows (subject to any changes):
  • March 29 to April 11: review period for input
  • April 11: First Reading at a Council meeting, if there are no significant changes to it as a result of the review period. (First Reading means Council’s intent to consider adopting a document at some point in the future.  It is intended as an introduction only)
  • April 12 to May 2: continued review
  • May 2: Second Reading and Public Hearing at a Council meeting. (Second Reading provides for public input before a decision is made by Council)
The Municipality welcomes any comments, questions or suggestion you may have on this draft bylaw. For more information, please contact Paul Smith [email protected] or Pam Macintosh [email protected], or call 902-897-3170.
AccueilHome > News > 2019 > April > Update Re: Colchester, NS Draft Commercial Dog Care and Kennel Bylaw