The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is deeply saddened to announce the sudden death of Board Chair Larry G. Kereluke, September 9, in Etobicoke, Ontario.
“Shock still prevails from the recent and sudden loss of Larry Kereluke. Many kind and deserving words will be said about his contributions to the dog fancy, his gentleness and integrity, for a long time to come. His commitment to our club was unwavering and I think it fitting to share comments made at the final board meeting he chaired on September 8.
He opened the meeting with optimism and inspiration for the future of CKC. This included moving boldly forward with open minds to modernize the CKC while not forgetting the purpose and successes of the past. He extended thanks and appreciation for the efforts of members, volunteers and staff. He also reminded us of the importance of respect and cooperation in the pursuit of our shared goals to keep the CKC and the dog fancy vibrant and viable.
Larry fell ill the very next day and passed quickly. An undeniably special and caring man that was a friend to so many. You are already greatly missed, Larry.” – Lance Novak, CKC Executive Director
It was in the late '60s that Larry first made his foray into the dog fancy by showing his first Afghan. He was quickly “hooked” and acquired his first breeding animal a short time later. Natural progression followed with the development of his breeding program as well as professional handling at shows for clients. Under the kennel name Timang Afghans, and with limited breeding, Larry and his wife, Lorraine, produced over 35 champions and showed many dogs to Best in Show in Canada and the United States. In 1985, Larry began his pursuit of his CKC judging license. Approved as an all-breed judge in 1995, he judged in Canada and around the world.

Larry was passionate about protecting and growing the dog fancy into the future and worked tirelessly in many volunteer positions to contribute to that goal. He was pivotal as he helped shape and support many dog clubs over the years. Larry served as President of the Northwinds Dog Club in Winnipeg, the Afghan Hound Club of Canada and was an active member of the Manitoba Gazehound Association and Manitoba Hound Club. Larry was also a former member of the Education Committee of the Canadian Dog Judges Association.
“He was one of the good guys. We all have adversaries and friends in the dog game. Larry had only friends.” – Richard Paquette, Director, Zone 4 (Ontario North) and Vice-Chair, CKC Board of Directors
Larry’s dedication to CKC was marked by his tireless and inspired leadership as a Life Member, at the board table, in his committee work, in his interaction with members in his constituency— Zone 8-Manitoba, as well as with members across the country. He was elected to a three-year term as Board Chair beginning January 2018, having served as a Director for Zone 8 since 2012. He served on numerous committees and councils including the AGM Planning Committee, Discipline Committee, Legislation Committee, Conformation Council and the Executive Director Review Committee. Larry was supportive of his fellow members in their pursuits, helping whenever he could.
“He was always one to gently encourage you to step forward and get involved. It won't be the same at local shows.” – Trina Gallop, Member, CKC Communications Committee

Larry was loved and deeply respected throughout the dog community and truly loved the sport of dogs and conformation shows particularly. A knowledgeable judge who really knew his breeds, Larry was supportive and encouraging to all. His tremendous impact on the dog fancy will continue to be felt by all in the decades to come. He will be sorely missed.
The CKC sends its heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to Larry’s wife, Lorraine and his two children, Justin and Jamie. The entire dog show community mourns this devastating loss. Kindly
share your condolences with Larry’s family.
Please join Larry Kereluke’s family for a Celebration of his life:
Date/Time: Saturday, September 22, 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CDT)
Location: Holiday Inn Airport West, 2520 Portage Ave, Winnipeg R3J 3T6
Reservations: Call 1-800-665-0352 (Toll-free) or email
[email protected]. A limited number of guest rooms are available at the preferred rate of $123.00 per night + taxes (Use group code is LK2)
Transportation: Call the hotel upon your arrival and a shuttle will pick you up.