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CKC Judges Observation Program

Further to the Event Officiating Committee communication requesting volunteers for the new Conformation Judges Observation Program, we are pleased to announce that Area Coordinators have been selected.  This new program was developed in an effort to maintain the integrity and high standards expected of CKC Conformation Judges. It will ensure consistency for conformation judges as well as exhibitors. There are Seven (7) Area Coordinators as well as observers in each of these areas. There is specific criteria identified in the policy to apply for these positions:  an All- Breed judge, or a CKC licensed judge with 3 or more groups, or CKC members with 10 years of breeding and exhibiting experience as well as 5 years’ experience either as a show chair, show superintendent, show secretary or ring steward at conformation shows.  Following is the list of Area Coordinators and the areas that they represent:

Atlantic (Zones 1 & 2)                                      David Kelland
Quebec & Eastern Ontario (Zones 3 & 5)       Barbara Heal
Ontario North (Zone 4)                                    Anna Hewson
Central & Western Ontario (Zones 6 & 7)       Pamela Bruce
Manitoba & Saskatchewan (Zones 8 & 9)      Thomas Alexander
Alberta (Zone 10)                                            Terry Carter
British Columbia (Zones 11 & 12)                   Grant Townsend
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