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A Canadian Win Fit for the Westminster Record Books

It was another exciting Westminster Dog Show for Canada. Of the 120 Canadian dogs entered, 65 would receive a coveted WKC rosette, including multiple wins for breeders/owners Elaine and Louise Paquette (Bouviers), Richard Paquette and Wendy Anderson (Shih Tzu), Tracey, Peter and Sarah Muth (Dogue de Bordeaux) and Connie Krohn (Miniature Schnauzers).


The eyes of the nation were on American Eskimo Dog, Can. GChX & Am. GChP Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk CGN, bred and owned by Sharon Robertson of Ontario. ‘Inuk’ has been blazing a trail of firsts for his breed for the past 10 years. On Monday, he set the standard for all breeds by winning his ninth Best of Breed, perfectly presented by long-time handler Graeme Burdon. With 10 consecutive appearances (also a record), nine breed wins and the first group placement earned by an Eskie, Inuk has firmly earned his place in Westminster history.


A Group 4th in the Herding Group was won by Shetland Sheepdog Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Laureate  Invicible CGN. ‘Vinnie’ is bred and owned by Kim Aston and Peter Culumovic of Ottawa. Vinnie, always handled by Kim, has been one of Canada’s top Shelties and Herding Dogs for years and has been leaving his mark in the U.S. as well, winning the American Sheltie National in 2017 over 640 dogs.
As part of Tuesday evening’s festivities, there was a special presentation made to the owners of Am. GChP Claircreek Impression De Matisse, including breeder/co-owner Donna Gottdenker. The Louis F. Bishop III Memorial Trophy is awarded to the Working Group winner and is retired when the trophy is won three times by the same owner. Matisse won the group for an impressive three consecutive years. He is among a handful of dogs to achieve this feat, the only one from the Working Group and the only Canadian to walk away with the perpetual trophy for this achievement. Chalk up another history-making moment for Canada.
In case you missed any of the excitement ‘live’ on the CKC’s social-media platforms, here are the Canadian wins at the breed level (to AOM):
Sporting Group: English Cocker Spaniel Can. & Am. GCh. Carnaby Between Friends, Select Bitch (breeders/owners/handlers Ernest, Shirley & Kerri Brangers). English Setter Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Sevenoaks Lady Penelope, Award of Merit (breeders/owners/handlers Hilary Oakes & Sabrina Oakes). Flat-coated Retriever Am. GChB Fishercreeks Dragons Breath, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders Barry & Pauline Harrison; owners Barry Harrison and James & Diane McNaughton). German Short-haired Pointer Am. GChS Hunterspride Moonstruck Farook JH, Award of Merit (breeder/co-owner Maxine Moinier). Irish Red & White Setter Am. GCh. Maltby Lakes Aislingcudo Bricineach, Best of Breed (co-breeders Patricia & Albrecht Ua Siaghail). Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Roaneden’s Water Lily, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners Christine & Robert Jones). Pointers Can.GCh. & Am. Ch. Seasyde Some Guys Have All The Luck, Select Dog (breeder/co-owner/handler Julie Kempster; co-owner Bea Sawka) and Can. & Am. GCh. Seasyde I Love Lucy, Select Bitch (co-owner/handler Brittany Carella). Wire-haired Pointing Griffon Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Soonipi Point’s Mystic Connection FDJ, Award of Merit (owner/handler Claudette Blackburn). Wire-haired Vizsla GChX Zoldmali Cetli NA, FDJ, CA, RN, Select Dog (owner Anton Sagh; handler Emily Burdon).
Hound Group: Basenji Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Mibre’s Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Select Dog (breeders Michelle & Breanna Smith-Barber; owner/handler Graeme Burdon; co-owner Dwayne Lazore) and Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Africanadian James T Kirk, Award of Merit (breeder/co-owner Amy Kreiger; co-owner Sandra Allen; handler Edgar Rojas). Beagle (15 inch) Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Gwencalon’s Tam O’ Shanter, Select Dog (breeders/owners Kathleen & William Friend). Beagle (13 inch) Can. GCh. & Am. GChG GCh. & Am. Ch. TG Shillington Seeing Stars, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners/handlers Todd & Allison Foley and Kim & Tim Delaney). Borzoi Can. GCh. & Am. GChS Konza-Plum Creek Bugatti At Elance, Best of Opposite Sex (co-owner Cherie Hunchak). Long-haired Dachshund Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Aviance’s Barbaro SL, Select Dog (owners Line Robichaud & John Contoupe; handler Allison Foley). Norwegian Elkhound Can Ch. & Am. GCh. DaggarwoodNKingdoms Win Chill, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Nicole Casavechia & Kevin Richard). Pharoah Hound Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Osiris Riccochet XO, Select Dog (breeders/owners/handlers Brittany Carella & Kathy Carella). Saluki Can. & Am. GCh. Sirhan Ziyadah Windstorm, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners Dee & Brian Laurie-Beaumont and Randy & Starr White; handler: Dee Laurie-Beaumont). Whippet Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Bretica Brushwood Smokinaffair, Select Dog (co-breeders Penny Lewis, Raymond Yurick & Dennis Sumara; co-owners Thora & Allan Brown). Wire-haired Dachshund Am. GCh. Wiretaps Life Is A Highway, Award of Merit (breeder Janet Rein).
Working Group: Akita Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Triumf Sibiri Magnat, Award of Merit (owner Glenna Hugstedt; handler Emily Burdon). Alaskan Malamute GCh. Taolanquest Flying Cloud, Best of Breed (breeders/co-owners Ronald Pohl & Laurie Newburn). Bernese Mountain Dogs Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Belnois Romeo Ruba Cuori, Select Dog (breeders/owners Veronique Matte-Paquet & Pier Ann Lavoie) and Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Alpenspirit Blue Suede Shoes, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Mylene Turbide). Black Russian Terrier Can. & Am. Ch. Medvezhya Staya Indiana Jones TT, Award of Merit (owner Anna Ostrowski; handler Will Alexander). Doberman Pinschers Can. GChX & Am. GChS Legendale Lady Luk Vgoldgrove CGN, RN, Best of Opposite Sex (co-breeder/co-owner Lana Ferguson) and Can. GCh. & Am. GChS Willowcreek Midnight In Paris, Select Bitch (co-breeders/owners Linda Stewart, Deborah Romans & Danica Eiswerth; handler Danica Eiswerth). Dogue de Bordeaux littermates Can. GCh. & Am. GChB ChateauRouge’s Vavava Voom CA, Best of Breed (breeders/owners Tracey, Peter & Sarah Muth; handler Sarah Muth) and Am. GCh. ChateauRouge’s Violetta, Select Bitch (owner/handler Carrie Blum). German Pinscher Can. & Am. Ch. Windamirs Perfect Karma V Pinsha, Select Bitch (owner Diane Gauthier). Mastiff Can. & Am. GCh. Nottinghill’s Last Call, Award of Merit (breeder/co-owner Jane Mitchell). Newfoundland Can. GChX & Am. GChS Heartsease Empress of India, CD, DD, CGN, RE, Best of Breed (breeder Joan Casler; co-owners Joan & Sam Casler and Doug & Cindy Savory). Samoyed Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Vanderbilt’s Stolen Kiss, Select Dog (breeders/owners/handlers Judi & Blair Elford). Siberian Husky Can. GCh. & Am. GChG Nanook’s This Girl Is On Fire, Best of Opposite Sex (breeder/owner Annette Dionne; co-owners Correen Pacht-Ralsky & Marc Ralsky).
Terrier Group: Cesky Terrier Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Zlatapraha Pandora At Dornick, Award of Merit (breeder Wendy Craig). Lakeland Terrier Can. & Am. Ch. Northcote’s No Looking Back, Award of Merit (co-breeders/owners Terri Alloway & Kim Wendling). Miniature Bull Terrier, Am. GCh. Bulligomingo-Omega’s Paella, Select Bitch (owners Terry Moffitt & David Moffitt). Norfolk Terrier Can. & Am. Ch. Avalon’s Rocket Man @ Rexroth, Select Dog (co-owners Lesley & Steve Walter). Miniature Schnauzers Can. Ch. & Am. GChS Sparx Sun Worshipper OAP, OJP, RATO, Select Dog (breeder Connie Krohn) and Am. Ch. Sparx Cake By The Ocean, Award of Merit (breeder/co-owner Connie Krohn). Staffordshire Bull Terrier Can. Ch. & Am. GChS Lackyle Bairille Dubailt, Best of Breed (co-owner/handler Emily Burdon). West Highland White Terriers Ch. Skyehigh’s Miss Hyperion, Best of Opposite Sex and Ch. Skyehigh’s One Pound Sterling, Select Dog (breeder/owner Lindy Barrow). Wire Fox Terrier Can. & Am. Ch. Foxheart’s Tsarshadow Storm Warning, Select Bitch (breeders Doug Belter, Bill & Jennifer Ashburn and Dawne Deeley; owners Bill Ashburn, Jennifer Ashburn & Doug Belter).
Toy Group: Havanese Can. & Am. GCh. Mistytrails Reddi N’Will’N, Award of Merit (breeder/owner/handler Emily Dorma). Miniature Pinscher Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Mightymites Stoke Up My Desire, Select Dog (breeder/co-owner Bonnie Foster). Pekingese GCh. Dreamville Jersey Boy, Award of Merit (owner Howard Fan & Raymundo W Lo). Shih Tzu Can. & Am. GCh. Winterholme Any Way U Want It, Best of Breed and Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Winterholme Give A Little Love, Award of Merit (breeders Richard Paquette & Wendy Anderson). Yorkshire Terrier GCh. Oz’s Storm Chaser, Select Dog (breeder/owner Loreta Serafini; handler Allison Hardie).
Non-Sporting Group: Coton de Tulear Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Coton Field First Kiss, Best of Breed (breeder/owner Diane Benaroch). French Bulldogs Can. GCh. & Am. Ch.Valpo’s Man of Steel, Best of Breed (co-owners Pat Berry & Anne McIntyre; handler Will Alexander) and Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Nifty’s Grated Coconut, Select Bitch (breeder/co-owner Kathy O’Drowsky; co-owner Amanda McAllister). Standard Poodles Can. & Am. GCh. Gardenpath Concours d’Elegante, Select Bitch (breeder/owner Renee Koch; handler Allison Hardie) and Am. GCh. Dawin Hearts And Arrows, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Linda Campbell). Xoloitzcuintli Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Besitos Tepal RN, Select Dog (co-owners Pat Pentland & Raul Olvera; handler Raul Olvera).
Herding Group: Australian Cattle Dog Am. GChS Uretopia N Outrun Bold Venture, Select Dog (owner Margaret Ure). Bouvier des Flandres Can. Ch. & Am. GChB Quiche’s Major League, Best of Breed, Can. Ch. & Am. GChB Quiche’s Nemesis, Select Dog, and Am. GCh. Quiche’s New Kid on the Block, Award of Merit (breeders Elaine & Louise Paquette). German Shepherd Dog Can. & Am. GCh. Woodside’s Southern Belle CGN, Award of Merit (breeder Sandy Anderson; owners Nora MacLeod & Fred McMullen; handler Emily Burdon). Old English Sheepdog Can. Ch. & Am. GCh. Bagatelle Moonlight Drive, Select Bitch (breeders Bernard & Joanne Charest and Linda Menard; owners Bernard & Joanne Charest). Rough Collie Can. GCh. & Am. GChB Tallywood Revelry HC, Best of Opposite Sex (breeder/owner/handler Nancy Anstruther). Smooth Collie Am. GChB Sugarnspice Hear Me Roar, Award of Merit (co-breeders Beth Rutherford & Dr. Line Robichaud). Shetland Sheepdog Am. Ch. MacLaren Maharaja, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Glen Stark & Cheryl Pike). 

While we have made every effort to include all Canadian Westminster winners (AOM and above), if you know of a Canadian win that does not appear in above list, please contact us at [email protected] and, upon confirmation, an update will be made.

Photo 1: courtesy of The Westminster Kennel Club
Photo 2: courtesy of Fritz Clark
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