What is Scent Detection?
It is a fun event open to all dogs to enjoy the challenge of locating a scent and communicating with their handler that the scent has been located. The trial is done in a variety of environments allowing a dog to use their strongest natural sense. Dogs will be divided into height divisions within the classes based on the height indicated on the entry form. Titles are awarded upon the dog acquiring the required number of qualifying scores within the class entered.
Who can hold Scent Detection Trials?
All interested CKC recognized clubs may apply to hold Scent Detection events provided they have the experience, equipment and location to hold a safe event. Scent Detection events either can be a stand-alone event or may be held in conjunction with other CKC events. A minimum of one (1) Sanction match must be held prior to holding a Scent Detection Trial.
When can I start holding a Sanction match?
The CKC Board of Directors approved a motion at the June 2018 Board meetings, stating
“THAT, clubs be permitted to hold sanction scent detection events as of October 1, 2018, following the rule books that start on January 1, 2019.”
Click here for the link to the Sanction match Form:
How do I apply to become a judge?
We are currently accepting judge’s applications. Click here for the judge’s application form:
How do I apply to host a Scent Detection Trial?
Once your sanction match has been approved and the match is completed, you can apply to host a Scent Detection Trial using the Event Date Application form found on the CKC Website.
In order to jump-start this program, the CKC is waiving all late fees for clubs applying to hold this event in 2019. A club may hold unlimited number of events annually.
Where do I find the Scent Detection Rules & Regulations?
The Scent Detection Rulebook is now available through the order desk and online under Forms>Shows & Trials>Event Rules & Regulations>Scent Detection Rules & Regulations
Where can I get the Scents required to hold the event?
For your convenience, The Canadian Kennel Club Basic Kits (For Instinct, Novice, Open and Excellent Classes) and the Master Kits (For Master Class) are available for purchase through the following vendor:
Or, the oil scents can be sourced and purchased at a convenient location that sells this type of product.