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CKC Seeks Volunteers for the Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Kennel Club encourages active participation from the general membership of the Club and requests submissions from interested parties to fill three (3) positions for the Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Standing Committee.

Applications should be received no later than May 4, 2018.

To be considered, please forward a cover letter expressing your desire to serve on this committee.  Your cover letter must be accompanied by a copy of your C.V. and/or a summary detailing your background relevant to the fancy, knowledge and understanding of breed characteristics, communications and any committee experience.  Please send your submission to [email protected] with Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee noted in the subject line. When responding by mail, please address the envelope to the Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee and send applications to:

Executive Director (Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee)
Canadian Kennel Club
200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400
Etobicoke ON M9W 5Z9


Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee

The Rules of Eligibility Committee is comprised of four (4) members, one (1) of whom shall be a member of the Board and three (3) Board appointed members from the general membership of the Club.

The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Developing the terms of reference for the ROE project;
  • Working with breed clubs/spokespersons to draft ROE;
  • Analyzing templates for Board approval;
  • Developing necessary communications prior to any referenda;
  • Reviewing schedules, budgets and timelines;
  • Analyzing policy to ensure compliance with the ROE and Animal Pedigree Act requirements;
  • Working with the Legislation Committee to bring work to date to the Board table prior to a Special Referendum.
AccueilHome > News > 2018 > April > CKC Seeks Volunteers for the Rules of Eligibility (ROE) Committee