Rally Obedience Exhibitors!
Please ensure that you are entering your dog in the right class with respect to “A” or “B”.
In accordance with the Obedience Trial & Rally Obedience Trial Rules & Regulations:
If the dog you are entering in the trial has earned any CKC obedience title other than PCD, it cannot be entered in the “A” class.
Handlers that have exhibited a dog to a CKC CDX title are not eligible to enter in the “A” class.
Exhibitors that incorrectly entered in the “A” class are permitted to move the dogs to the corresponding “B” class up to one hour before the start of the trial if the schedule allows.
Entering the wrong class will result in the cancellation of legs and titles. If you have any question, please contact the Results Department in the Shows and Trials Division through
[email protected].