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Notice to Conformation Judges Re: 5 Year Education Portfolio Policy Deadline

This is a reminder to all CKC Conformation Judges, that the current term to comply with the 5 Year Education Portfolio policy expires on December 31, 2017.

This means that all Conformation Judges that were licensed, or on permit, in 2008 or earlier, that have already complied with this policy for the term 2008 to 2012, must submit a new 5 Year Education Portfolio (for the term 2013 to 2017) to the Shows and Trials Division at CKC Head Office no later than December 31, 2017. Policy and Procedures, Chapter VII, Section B, Sub section 8:
8. Licensing Maintenance for All - Breed, Groups and Breed Judges

c) Licensed  judges  are  encouraged  and  expected  to  engage  in  a  self-directed  program  of professional  development. Recognizing  that  a  judge  has  a  commitment  to  on-going education,   all   judges   will   maintain   an   educational   portfolio   with   appropriate documentation  and/or  certification. This  portfolio  will  be  reviewed  and  approved  by The Canadian Kennel Club at the end of each five (5) year cycle.

Should  a  judge  fail  to  meet  these  requirements,  the  judge’s  license  will  be  held  in abeyance until such time that the requirement is met.

Judges that were issued their initial judging permit after 2008, will be required to submit a 5 Year Education Portfolio within 5 years of the year in which the initial permit was issued.  

Please be reminded that judges are only required to meet 1 criteria from Category A and 1 criteria
from Category B.  When submitting the portfolio is would be helpful if there is a completed Conformation Checklist 5 Year Education Portfolio attached.  This form is on the CKC website at under the Events tab, then Event Forms in the drop down menu, and then under Judge Forms.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Event Planning Department in Shows
and Trials.
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > September > Notice to Conformation Judges Re: 5 Year Education Portfolio Policy Deadline