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Change to Obedience Rules & Regulations: Open Class (Effective January 1, 2018)

There are changes to the Obedience Trial Rules effective January 1 2018.  However, we wanted to provide advanced notice regarding the change to the Open Class A & B.
Exhibitors will now have  options within the Open A and B classes and still achieve the same titles.
The Open A Class and the Open B Class will each have 2 options. Exhibitors must indicate on the entry form which option they choose when they complete their entry form.
In Open A, exhibitors can choose between entering into Open HA (which remain as in the existing rules as Open A), or Open 18A (which also follows the existing rules except that the Long Sit is replaced with Change of Positions Exercises, and the Long Down is replaced with a Group Sit-Walk around.)

In Open B, the exhibitor can choose between entering into Option HB (which remain as in the existing rules as Open B), or Option 18B (which adds in the new Change of Position Exercises).

The Options in Open A 
Open HA Points Open 18A Points
Heel Free and Figure Eight 40 Heel Free and Figure Eight 40
Drop on Recall 30 Drop on Recall 30
Retrieve on Flat 25 Retrieve on Flat 25
Retrieve over High Jump 35 Retrieve over High Jump 35
Broad Jump 20 Broad Jump 20
Long Sit 25 Change of Positions 30
Long Down 25 Group Sit – Walk Around 20
Maximum Total Score 200 Maximum Total Score 200
The New Change of Position exercises are as follows:
Change of Position Exercises
Example of 1 Routine** See Rulebook for remaining 6 routines
Open HB Open 18B
a) Heel Free and Figure Eight a) Heel Free and Figure Eight
b) Drop on Recall b) Drop on Recall
c) Retrieve on Flat c) Retrieve on Flat
d) Retrieve over High Jump d) Retrieve over High Jump
e) Broad Jump e) Broad Jump
  f) Change of Positions
All routines shall be followed by a Long Sit and Long Down as in Open HA A Group Sit shall follow all routines – Walk Around as in Open 18A
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > October > Change to Obedience Rules & Regulations: Open Class (Effective January 1, 2018)