It’s almost time to have your say in this year’s Election and Referendums.
Back by popular demand is the option to vote online and this year, the process is as easy as 1,2,3!
Any CKC member who is eligible to vote may vote online. Why not give it a try?
Step 1:
Login to the member website at by clicking on the login on the right-hand side for “Online Voting”.
Step 2:
Enter your CKC membership number beginning
November 1, 2017 to access the voting link.
Step 3:
Click on the “VOTE HERE” icon and start filling out your electronic ballot!
Begin voting on the 2018–2020 CKC Election Candidates, followed by the 2017 Referendums. A link to the proposed by-law amendments will be available at the top of each section of the e-ballot.

If you requested a paper ballot before the October 15 deadline, you will receive the ballot by mail around the end of October, including instructions to vote online should you wish to submit an electronic vote. Members without email addresses on file will receive a paper ballot in the mail.
Be sure to review details of the 2017 election and referendums at
If you have any questions about the voting process, please contact us at [email protected].