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CKC and the 2019 World Dog Show in China

The Canadian Kennel Club emphatically denounces the atrocious Yulin Dog Meat Festival and the dog meat trade.  Some have written to express their shared opposition to the Festival with a connection to the 2019 World Dog Show being held in China.  CKC traditionally does not participate in the annual World Dog Show and has no plans to attend in 2019.  
CKC does however encourage its members and all dog lovers to speak out with a clear message confirming solidarity in the international dog community against cruel and inhumane treatment of dogs and all animals. CKC works, on behalf of its members, to promote the benefits that dogs bring to individuals and our society.
CKC is proud to stand united with other dog organizations around the world in sending a clear message against the inhumane treatment of dogs.
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > May > CKC and the 2019 World Dog Show in China