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Update Re: New BC Animal Welfare Legislation

As you may know, CKC has been working with the BC government and the BC SPCA since April, 2016 to develop new animal welfare laws that will assist the BC SPCA in monitoring and taking action against irresponsible breeders.
CKC has held a number of discussions with BC government officials throughout the past year and also engaged our member breeders with a BC Government survey during the consultation process, to ensure their interests were well represented.
Throughout our discussions, we have always maintained that licensing and registration would provide an unnecessary burden to CKC members in terms of cost, duplication and an extra layer of governance, and discussed opportunities that would recognize and reward CKC member breeders.
Most recently, the BC Government introduced Bill 7 - 2017: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act. The proposed Bill largely appears to be an enabling piece of legislation, which contemplates both licensing and/or registration schemes—the details of which will be defined by future regulations. It is our understanding that the intent will be to pass Bill 7 during this spring session, with regulations to follow in the summer or fall.
We understand there may be concern about the proposed legislation, and we continue to monitor activity surrounding Bill 7 and the development of future regulations. CKC also remains in continued dialogue with the BC SPCA and the BC government, in support of responsible breeders.
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > March > Update Re: New BC Animal Welfare Legislation