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mail[email protected] Telephone 416-675-5511 TelephoneToll-Free 1-855-364-7252 location 5397 Eglinton Avenue W.
Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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REMINDER: Notice To All Conformation & Obedience Clubs Re: Premium Lists And Judging Schedules

The following motion, regarding Chapter VI, Shows & Trials, Section Y, Judging Schedules, was passed at the December 2016 Board Meeting:

1. An administrative fee as identified in the Schedule of fees will be levied against any club that fails to ensure that the judging schedule is made available to exhibitors a minimum of six (6) days prior to the first day of the event. At the time of date approval, Head Office will remind clubs that they are responsible for
ensuring that event secretaries post this information on line.

The fee was set at $100.00 and will be posted in the Schedule of Fees.

Please note that clubs are required to provide the CKC with a copy of their Premium Lists and Judging Schedules. Effective immediately, please forward a copy in PDF format, and we will post them on the CKC website at in the Calendar of Events. The Premium Lists and Judging Schedules should be forwarded to [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > March > REMINDER: Notice To All Conformation & Obedience Clubs Re: Premium Lists And Judging Schedules