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CKC Supports Toronto City Council’s New Recommendations Regarding Dog Collars

CKC is pleased to report that Toronto City Council amended Chapter 349, Animals late yesterday, and repealed Section 8.1 which prohibits the use of choke collars, choke chains and prong collars “or any similar device at any time on a dog”, in favour of further public consultation.

City Council has recommended that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) undertake public consultation with a variety of experts and professionals who rely on the use of prong, choke and slip collars. Toronto MLS is expected to report back to the Licensing and Standards Committee on September 18, 2017.

CKC reached out to Council prior to yesterday’s Council meeting, to reaffirm our opposition, remind Council about the recent survey results opposing a complete ban and requested a more extensive review on such collars, with a view to repealing the ban. We thank our many members and Toronto dog-owners who went on public record to voice their growing concerns with the ban. 

We applaud the efforts of the City to strengthen its animal control bylaw and appreciate Council’s decision to move forward with the new recommendations, in support of responsible dog ownership.

CKC continues to support positive and humane training methods for dogs and believe that positive owner influence and education are paramount throughout the training process. 

Please watch for details regarding the public consultation as more information becomes available.
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