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Update on Quebec Bill 128 and BSL

Since breed-specific legislation was first proposed in Quebec and municipalities such as Montreal in early 2016, CKC has been working to affect change at the provincial and municipal level, and to offer our expertise and assistance in the development of alternative responsible dog ownership legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory.
As you may be aware, the Quebec government recently introduced Bill 128: An Act to promote the protection of persons by establishing a framework with regard to dogs. The proposed laws include breed specific provisions that have the capacity to both ban dogs listed as “Potentially Dangerous” province-wide and ultimately provide a gateway for additional breeds to be added to this list at any time—potentially condemning all dogs in Quebec.
Dogs deemed potentially dangerous in Bill 128:
  • pit bull, including American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers
  • Rottweilers
  • a crossbreed of a dog listed in points 1 or 2 and another dog
  • hybrid dogs that are a cross between a dog and a canid other than a dog
  • dogs trained to protect, guard, fight or attack
With the introduction of this Bill, CKC formed a Working Group that is dedicated to our advocacy plans in Quebec. CKC has also lent its support to a recent DLCC campaign to mobilize other like-minded organizations seeking to remove the breed-specific provisions of Bill 128, under the banner of Action Sécu. We have also collaborated with the National Companion Animal Coalition in seeking public consultations for Bill 128 and the opportunity to present to the Quebec Parliamentary Committee.

CKC has also engaged Quebec members, inviting them to take action and have their say about Bill 128, in support of well-crafted dangerous dog legislation and responsible dog ownership.

We continue to monitor activity surrounding Bill 128, including the development of regulations. Please watch for updates on our website as more information becomes available.

AccueilHome > News > 2017 > June > Update on Quebec Bill 128 and BSL