With an entry of 108 dogs, Canadians shone once again at the 141st Westminster Dog Show, accumulating 65 ‘brags.’
A tribute to the quality and depth of Canadian-bred dogs, Boxer
GCh. Mephisto’s Speak Of The Devil won the Working Group Tuesday night, after placing Group 2nd last year. ‘Devlin,’ bred by Michelle and Peter Yeadon and Monika Pinsker of British Columbia, has been a fixture in the American dog-show scene, rising to the No. 2 dog, all breeds, in 2016, with over 54,000 points. (She was the No. 9 dog in 2015.)
Hound group winner
GCh. Vin-Melcas Daggarwood Delight was bred by Nicole Casavechia and Kevin Richard of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and was handled by her owner, the incomparable Pat Trotter. Duffy was Canada’s #1 Elkhound in 2013 before leaving for the U.S., where she has been the #1 Elkhound for the past two years. This win marked Mrs. Trotter’s 11th Hound Group 1st. Her previous 10 wins were all as a breeder/owner/handler.
Canadians were also cheering on American Eskimo Dog
GChEx Nuuktok’s Atka Inukshuk as he attempted to

break the tie for the Best of Breed record. The consummate showman, Inuk held his own in tough competition and the judge awarded him Select Dog. Congratulations to Inuk’s breeder/owner Sharon Robertson and handler Graeme Burdon for making Inuk’s ninth consecutive appearance at Westminster a moment to remember. The Akita, Ben, did not return to Westminster after his eighth show, so it would appear that Inuk is still leaving his mark in the history books.
Following are wins at the breed level (to AOM):
Sporting Group: Flat-coated Retrievers
GCh. Butterblac’s Dragon Girl, CD, BN, RN, JH, CGC, Select Bitch (breeders Doug Windsor & Wendy Schira), and
Ch. Fishercreeks Dragonsfire N Ice, CDX, JH, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Barry & Pauline Harrison). German Wire-haired Pointer
GCh. Nuthatch’s Those Old Emotions, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Heather Brennan). Gordon Setter
GCh. Triseter Celtic Player, CGN, RN, FD, Award of Merit (co-owner Alistaire Sutherland). Irish Red & White Setter
GCh. Aislingcudo Is Nessa Na Ri, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners Albrecht & Patricia Ua Siaghail). Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers
Ch. Roaneden’s Starcatcher CD, RN, Best of Opposite Sex and
GChEx Roaneden’s Int’l Harvester WC, JH, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Robert & Christine Jones). Pointer
Ch. Seasyde Holly Golightly, Award of Merit (co-owner Julie Kempster). Wire-haired Vizsla
GChEx Zoldmali Cetli NA, FDJ, CA, RN, Best of Breed (owner Anton Sagh).
Hound Group: Basenji
GCh. Africanadian James T Kirk, Award of Merit (breeder/co-owner Amy Kreiger; co-owner Sandra Allen). Basset Hound
GCh. Bobac Spoiled Red Cecil B Demille CGN, Award of Merit (owner/handler Josephine Lambert). Beagle
GCh. Gwencalon’s Tam O’ Shanter, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners Kathleen & William Friend). Bloodhound
Ch. Mason’s Ussard D’Lia Phail, Best of Opposite Sex (co-breeder/owner Kathryn Reid). Borzoi,
GCh. Konza-Plum Creek Bugatti at Elance, Best of Opposite Sex (co-owner Cherie Huncuk). . Long-haired Dachshund
GCh. Aviance’s Barbaro SL, Award of Merit (owners Line Robichaud & John Contoupe). Norwegian Elkhound
GCh. Elgwood N Highpoint’s Summit, Best of Opposite Sex (breeder/co-owner Donna Weeks). Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
GCh. Auriga Peter Parker, Select Dog (breeders/co-owners Martin & Wendy Doherty; co-owners Shawn & Nadeen Bennett). Pharoah Hounds
Ch. XO J’Adore Osiris, Select Bitch, and
Ch. Osiris Blonde Bomshell, Award of Merit (co-breeders/co-owners Kathy & Brittany Carella). Whippet
GCh. Bretica Brushwood Smokinaffair, Award of Merit (co-breeders Penny Lewis, Raymond Yurick & Dennis Sumara; co-owners Thora & Allan Brown). Wire-haired Dachshund
GCh. Wiretap Ride Out The Storm, Select Dog (breeder Janet Rein).
Working Group: Alaskan Malamute
GCh. Taolanquest Flying Cloud, Best of Breed (breeders Ronald Pohl & Laurie Newburn). Bullmastiff
GCh. Bramstoke’s Carved In Stone, CGN, RN, Best of Breed (breeder/owner/handler Kay Reil). Cane Corso
Ch. Contessa’s Not So Angels’ Mason, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Barb Fischler). Dogue de Bordeaux
GCh. Chateaurouge’s Vavava Voom CA, Select Bitch (breeders/owners Tracey, Peter & Sarah Muth). Giant Schnauzer
Nightline Viking A Tanglewood, Award of Merit (co-breeder Deborah Wiebe). Great Pyrenees
GCh. Pyrview’s Sultan of Soul, Award of Merit (breeders/owners Sandy & Casandra Dyment). Newfoundland
GChEx Heartsease Empress of India, CD, DD, CGN, RA, Best of Opposite Sex (co-owners Joan & Sam Casler and Doug & Cindy Savory). Siberian Huskies
GCh. Nanook’s This Girl Is On Fire, Select Bitch (breeder/owner Annette Dionne) and
GCh. Unicornhill Story Telling, Award of Merit (co-breeder/owner/handler Colin Brownlee).
Terrier Group: Bull Terrier
GCh. Thunderally’s Dapper Dan, Best of Opposite Sex (breeder/co-owner Carol Gray; co-owner Chris Thornton). Cesky Terrier
Milenka’s Hector In Act Four, Award of Merit (breeder Karsten Kaemling; owners Liana & Alexander Kapustin). Miniature Schnauzer
GCh. Minuteman Justified, Award of Merit (co-breeder/co-owner Catherine McMillan). Sealyham Terrier
GCh. Efbe’s Goodspice Ariadne Auf Naxos, Best of Breed (co-breeder/co-owner France Bergeron). Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
GCh. Keepsake Timtara Im A Rockstar, Best of Breed (breeders/owners Shari & Sydney Robinson; co-owner Priscilla Tims). Welsh Terrier
Ch. Darwyn’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Select Dog (breeder/owner Larisa Hotchin). West Highland White Terrier
Ch. Skyehigh’s Fireworks, Award of Merit (co-breeder/co-owner Lindy Barrow). Wire Fox Terrier
GCh. Tsarshadow Kentucky Windage at Foxheart, Select Bitch (breeders/co-owners Doug Belter & Dawne Deeley; co-owners Jennifer & Bill Ashburn)
Toy Group: Pekingese
GCh. Livanda Fabbiano, Select Dog (owner Howard Fan). Pug
Ch. Jimary Belaire Silk Stockings, Best of Opposite Sex (breeders/owners James & Mary Lou Dymond; co-breeder Laurie Campbell). Shih Tzus
GCh. Wenrick’s Don’t Stop Believing, Best of Breed for the second year in a row, and
GCh. Wenrick’s N’Palaquins They Call Me Mr. Bates, Award of Merit (breeders Wendy, Jody & Richard Paquette). Yorkshire Terrier
GCh. Oz’s Thunder and Rain, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Loreta Serafini).
Non-Sporting Group: American Eskimo Dog
Nuuktok’s All Eye’s on M E, Award of Merit (breeder Sharon Robertson). Bulldog
GCh. Bulldacious La Dee Da, Select Bitch (breeders/owners/handlers Tammy & Amanda McAllister and Melissa Lamb). Dalmatian
GChEx Onsengltje Secret Endeavour RN, Award of Merit (breeder/owner/handler Carola Adams). Keeshond
GCh. Shainakees Faith in Song At SouthCar, Select Bitch (owners Lynne Hewitt & Ruthann Seibert). Schipperke
Ch. Bonchien Lawless V Jet, Select Dog (co-breeder/co-owner Susan Woodliffe). Standard Poodles
GCh. Dawin in Hot Pursuit, Select Dog (breeder/owner Linda Campbell)
, GCh. Gala Brighton Lakeridge Reflections of Me, Select Bitch (co-breeder/co-owner Allison Cowie) and
GCh. Gardenpath Concours d'Elegante, Award of Merit (breeder/owner Renee S Koch).
Herding Group: Bearded Collie
GCh. Classical’s Magical Meemie, Best of Opposite Sex (co-breeder/co-owner Bea Sawka). Border Collies
GCh. Hollowshots A Twist Of Fate, Award of Merit (breeder Maxine Netherway; owners Debbie Arnold & Taylor Cridland) and
GCh. Hobbiton’s Trinity of Avatar Bayshore HSDd, Award of Merit (co-owner Kathy Adorjan). Bouvier des Flandres
Ch. Quiche’s Major League, Best of Opposite Sex and
Quiche’s New Kid on the Block, Award of Merit (breeders Elaine & Louise Paquette). Canaan Dog
GCh. Jaykay Richelieu Rules RN, Select Dog (breeder/owner Genevieve Landis). Entlebucher Mountain Dog
GCh. Riverwest Asante CGC, Best of Breed (breeder Sarah Haley). Shetland Sheepdogs
GCh. Laureate Invicible, Select Dog (owners/handlers Kim Aston & Peter Culumovic) and
GCh. Lynphil ‘Now You See Me’, Select Bitch (co-breeders/co-owners Crystal & Phil Wendling). Smooth Collie
GCh. Cardriss Red Dirt Road, Select Dog (breeders Lisa Leopold & Beth Rutherford). Spanish Water Dog
Ch. Bernardo De Sinkovic, Award of Merit (owner Marnie Harrison).
While we have made every effort to include all Canadian Westminster winners (AOM and above), if you know of a Canadian win that does not appear in above list, please contact us at
[email protected] and, upon confirmation, an update will be made.
Photo 1 & 2. courtesy of The Westminster Kennel Club.
Photo 3. courtesy of Ian Lynch.