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CKC Remembers Bud Haverstock

We at the Canadian Kennel Club are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Bud Haverstock.Bud-Haverstock.jpg
Bud had a long and rich history with CKC. He was a long-time, dedicated volunteer and Life member of CKC.  In addition to his tenure as a long-serving member of the CKC Board of Directors, Bud served on the Discipline Committee for three years when it was first formed in the early 1980’s, and was the Chair of the Judges Committee for several years in the 1990s.
Bud was also Honourary Chair in 2003 and served as the Registration Committee Chairman for many years in addition to serving on many other CKC committees.  A dedicated advocate for the purebred dog community, Bud was a respected All Breed Judge, renowned both in Canada and internationally.  

Long-time friend, Sharon Derrick, CKC Board Director for Alberta, NWT & Nunavut, fondly remembers Bud, whom she says had a wicked sense of humour and always made the dog show after-parties that much more special. She also recalls how Bud was a man of the people. “He was a gentleman in the true sense of the word. He was kind, considerate and he had the knack for making each person he talked to feel special. He always left people with a smile.”

Bud’s tremendous and far-reaching contributions to the CKC and the purebred world will always be remembered and he will be missed terribly. Our thoughts are with Bud’s wife, Dorothea and their family and friends during this difficult time.
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