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Notice to Conformation Judges and Clubs Re: Spanish Water Dog

(December 2017)
Please be advised that effective January 1, 2018 the Spanish Water Dog will be moved from Group 1 (Sporting) to Group 7 (Herding).
The motion to amend policy in this regard was passed by the Board in March of this year, and was based on the results of the polling of the CKC membership.
While this change does not affect All Breed Judges, it does affect judges that may be on permit for breeds in Group 1 or Group 7.  It will also affect judges that are licensed for breeds in Group 7, but not breeds in Group 1.  Judges will be required to complete an Open Book Test for the Spanish Water Dog. We will be communicating with judges that are directly affected by this change via e-mail.
AccueilHome > News > 2017 > December > Notice to Conformation Judges and Clubs Re: Spanish Water Dog