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CKC is Pleased to Introduce the 2016 Junior Handling National Championship Competitors

On August 12, 2017, the 2016 Junior Zone finalists from across the country will come together to compete in the 2016 CKC Junior Handling National Championships hosted by the Conception Bay Kennel Club in beautiful Bay Roberts, Newfoundland. 

Junior handlers are recognized as the future of the Canadian dog fancy, but this honour isn’t bestowed on them just because of their age. The Canadian Kennel Club’s (CKC) Junior Handling Program captures the essence of what dog sport should be, according to Lance Novak, CKC’s Executive Director. “CKC’s Junior Handling Program is an example of the spirit of mentorship and volunteerism that CKC is built upon. We are proud of this program and committed to working with the Council and members to support Junior Handling at the regional and national level,” said Novak. Richard Paquette, Chair of the Junior Kennel Club Council agrees. “I am deeply committed to supporting our Juniors and take pride in their development into competitors that not only display the highest level of sportsmanship and skill, but also into contributing members of our dog community,” said Paquette. “My family created the Wenrick Award for Sportsmanship to recognize and award those juniors who embody this fundamental aspect of our program.”

CKC, its Board of Directors and staff congratulate each competitor for their incredible success. Only those participants who have qualified for, competed in and won their CKC Zone Junior Handling Finals are invited to compete in the Junior Nationals. At this level every competitor is already a champion!

Junior National finalists will be competing for top bragging rights in their discipline of obedience or conformation, as well as a number of awards including a complimentary ad in Canadian Dog Fancier Weekly, a bursary sponsored by and CKC, The Susan Hillman Memorial Trophy, the Wenrick Award for Sportsmanship and trophies sponsored by CKC. The Junior Handling Conformation Champion also earns the honour of representing Canada at Crufts’ International Junior Handling Competition in 2018. 

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and join CKC in wishing them all the best of luck!

Meet the Competitors:

Full competitor bios are available in the 2016 Junior National Program generously sponsored by Canadian Dog Fancier.
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