CKC is in Election and Referendum mode and starting November 1, voting CKC members will have the opportunity to vote for a new Board of Directors for 2018 – 2020 and have their say on important amendments to the CKC By-laws.
Before You Vote
It is important to update and verify your contact information in My Profile to ensure you have your say, your way:
- Select voting preferences for online or paper communication
- Ensure we have your current email address on file in order to stay up-to-date on all 2017 CKC Election/Referendum details!
- Confirm that we have your date of birth on file because, as you know, you must be 19 years old to vote.
- Simply login to the member site and UPDATE MY PROFILE. You may also contact Membership Services at [email protected] or by calling 416-674-3699 or 1-855-364-7252.
Voting Online Saves Time!
With 60% of members voting electronically in last year’s Referendum, we would like to keep the momentum going and make online voting even easier! More details to follow this summer.
How to Nominate a Board Member
Think you can make a difference on the Board? Know the perfect person to represent your zone? View the Nomination and Election Overview and fill out a Nomination Paper.
Deadline to file nomination papers is October 1, 2017 @ 5:00 PM.
Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks!