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Notice To Conformation Clubs & Judges Re: Conformation Show Rules - Conflicts

The following motion was passed at the March 2017 Board Meeting:

“THAT, the Conformation Show Rules & Regulations, Section 4.2.2 be amended effective January 1, 2018 to read as follows:

4           JUDGES
4.2        Conflicts
4.2.2     A judge must not accept an assignment to judge the same breeds, groups, or general specials at shows that are held less than 90 days apart if the distance between the shows is within 350 road miles (562 km).  An administrative charge as set by the Board will be levied against any judge who violates this provision in the rules. Disciplinary action may be taken against repeat offenders.”
Please note that contracts signed prior to January 1, 2018 will be grandfathered.
Since many clubs have standard contracts, please ensure that you check the distance in the contract so as not to violate this rule.  To check distances between events please contact the Event Planning Department in the Shows and Trials Division.  We will be happy to map distances between events for you if you are not certain.
Tracy Kent
Supervisor, Shows and Trials Division
Event Planning Department staff:
Tracy Kent
Marg Fenech
Laura Telles
Michelle Balon

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