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Difficult Time for Dogs and Dog Lovers as BSL Adopted in Montreal

The Canadian Kennel Club is deeply concerned by the adoption of a breed-specific animal control bylaw in NO-BSL.jpgMontreal on September 27, 2016. We advise our members and all dog owners to carefully read the details of this new bylaw, effective October 3, 2016 and to call 311 (Montreal) / 514-872-0311 (outside Montreal) or contact your local Montreal councillor should you have questions concerning interpretation and enforcement. Note: CKC is investigating the possibility of special provisions for restricted dogs travelling to and participating in CKC events.

Our position remains clear: The Canadian Kennel Club categorically opposes breed specific legislation (BSL). BSL is a reactionary, fear-based measure that punishes the breed and not the deed. Such legislation in and of its self, will not and cannot change the attitude and actions of irresponsible dog owners.

We strongly support appropriate Dangerous Dog Legislation that serves to protect the public and promotes responsible dog ownership. Well-crafted dangerous dog legislation can be extremely effective, as seen in the Calgary model—with its zero tolerance approach to licensing and enforcement, and public education programs—which resulted in a 70% reduction in dog bites over a 20-year period and a financially sustainable animal control program.

CKC believes that public awareness and education, stronger enforcement of existing bylaws and stiffer penalties for irresponsible owners is more effective than breed specific legislation. We also support:
  • mandatory licensing
  • strong enforcement of leash laws, running at large laws, property confinement laws
  • spay/neuter requirements for all dogs not considered breeding stock
  • increased regulation of the selling and transfer of dogs
  • universal identification of dogs by either tattoo or microchip
With the impending Quebec ruling on proposed BSL, CKC shall continue to reach out to policymakers to offer our assistance and expertise and promote legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory.

View CKC Policies on Breed Specific Legislation and Responsible Dog Ownership.
AccueilHome > News > 2016 > September > Difficult Time for Dogs and Dog Lovers as BSL Adopted in Montreal