Why Vote?
Voting is the most powerful way for you to influence the direction of your Club. Your vote is your voice, so be sure to have your say and help shape your club today.
Two Ways to Vote: Online OR
choose one option once you receive your voting package in the mail on or around October 30th. This package will include a paper ballot and online voting instructions, along with the voting time period, procedure for voting, voter verification method and Personal Identification Number (PIN) to allow voter access to vote online.
When Can I Vote?
Please vote between
November 1st, 00:01 EDT and
December 1st, 23:59 EST.
Special Referendum Details
Check out the
2016 Special Referendum for information about the proposed amendments to the By-laws and the recognition of new breeds along with the
Rules of Eligibility (ROE) for these new breeds.
Want to Know More?
For information on voter eligibility and updates, please visit our 2016 Special Referendum page at
http://www.ckc.ca/vote. If you have further questions, please contact us at
[email protected].