Have your say and weigh in on important CKC
by-law amendments for the 2016 Special Referendum.
To vote online:
- Go to: https://www.bigpulse.com/p43643/signin and enter the PIN number included in your voting package.
- When voting please remember to complete both sections A and B of the ballot.
- Online voting will take place between November 1, and December 1.
To vote by mail:
- Fill out the paper ballot in your voting package.
- Please note that paper ballots must be received by Thursday,
December 1.
Special Referendum Details
Check out the
2016 Special Referendum booklet for information about the proposed amendments to the By-laws. Printed copies are available at no charge via the Order Desk at 1-800-250-8040 or
[email protected].
If you haven’t received your voting package in the mail by Monday, November 14, or if you have any questions about the voting process, please view our FAQs at
ckc.ca/vote or contact us at
[email protected].
Your vote is your voice; have your say and vote today!