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M9C 5K6
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200 More Votes Needed for Special Referendum!

As you know, your fellow breeders need your vote to welcome 16 new breeds into our registry.

While many of our members have stepped up to vote, we still need 200 more votes to meet the Ministry of Agriculture’s requirement for approval for CKC breed recognitionwhere at least 25% of our membership must cast a ballot and of those who cast a ballot, two-thirds must be in favour.

If you vote in favour of recognizing new breeds, you enable:
  • Breeds to be eligible for CKC registration – which means that breeders can register their litters and dogs and obtain a CKC certificate and CKC pedigree.
  • Canadian-born dogs to be exported internationally and be eligible for registration in a foreign country.
To vote:  Go to: and enter the PIN number included in your voting package. Be sure to complete Section A (Board Proposed By-law Amendments) and Section B (Recognition of New Breeds & Rules of Eligibility - ROE).

For more details, visit or contact us at [email protected].
AccueilHome > News > 2016 > November > 200 More Votes Needed for Special Referendum!