Notice To All CKC Judges & Clubs Re: New Rules Regarding Disqualifying Dogs
Please be advised that the following motion, regarding the disqualification of dogs that bite, was passed at the March 2016 Board Meeting:
"THAT, effective immediately the section dealing with Disqualifying or Excusing Dogs common throughout the rulebooks for all disciplines be amended to correspond with the following proposed amendment to the Conformation Show Rules and Regulations:
14.1 Disqualifications
(a) At his discretion, a judge shall have the authority to excuse or disqualify a dog which menaces, threatens, attempts to bite or bites the judge, another person, or another dog in the ring. When a dog is twice excused on this account, it shall have the status of a disqualified dog.
(b) At his discretion, a judge shall have the authority to permanently a disqualify a dog which bites the judge or another person in the ring. Dogs disqualified under this provision will not be eligible for reinstatement. The decision to permanently disqualify a dog must be clearly indicated on the Judge’s Disqualification Form.
AMEND SECTIONS 14.1.4, 14.1.5, 14.3.1 AS FOLLOWS:
14.1.4 Once a dog has been disqualified for any reason at a conformation show, it may not be entered or shown at another show until the dog has been reinstated by the CKC. All awards earned by a dog shown in violation of this section will be cancelled by the CKC and the owner of the dog is subject to disciplinary action. A dog disqualified under section 14.1.2 (b) is not eligible for reinstatement.
14.1.5 Any dog that is disqualified under section 14.1.2(a) shall automatically be disqualified from entering in any CKC event in any other discipline until such time as the dog is officially reinstated, if the dog is eligible for reinstatement.
14.3 Reinstatement
14.3.1 The owner of a dog which has been disqualified at a show held under these rules may, after 30 days from the date of said disqualification, apply in writing to the CKC for reinstatement of the dog, unless the dog is ineligible for reinstatement as per Section 14.1.2 (b). The request for reinstatement must be accompanied by a deposit as set by the Board."
The Judges Disqualification/Excusal Form is being amended to accommodate this change, and will be included on all Supply Requisition Forms for clubs to order. Rulebooks will also be updated.