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CKC to Consult with BC Government Re: New Animal Welfare Regulations

The BC government recently announced plans to strengthen legislation concerning standards of care for breeders of companion animals—including the adoption of the CVMA Code of Practice for Canadian Kennel Operations—and has initiated a consultation process, seeking input from stakeholders, to develop new laws that will assist the BC SPCA in monitoring and taking action against irresponsible breeders.     
As an organization that advocates for responsible breeders and the health and welfare of purebred dogs—including the standards and requirements relating to the proper maintenance, breeding, selling and overall protection of dog breeds—CKC has sought a place at the table to offer input and expertise.
Most recently, CKC contacted MLA Jane Thornthwaite and BC SPCA Chief Executive Officer, Craig Daniell, to start a dialogue and both parties have responded favourably. Updates will be posted to our website as new information becomes available.
AccueilHome > News > 2016 > March > CKC to Consult with BC Government Re: New Animal Welfare Regulations