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CKC in Positive Talks with BC SPCA Re: Proposed BC Animal Welfare Legislation

Following the BC government’s announcement to develop new legislation regarding standards of care for breeders of companion animals, CKC is working to ensure a consultation process that affords CKC a seat at the table, to create new animal welfare laws that will assist the BC government and the BC SPCA in taking action against irresponsible breeders.
On March 10, 2016, the CKC held a positive teleconference with Craig Daniell, BC SPCA Chief Executive Officer, Marcie Moriarty, Chief Prevention and Enforcement Officer and stakeholder relations management, to discuss how our organizations can work together in support of responsible breeders.
One of the topics discussed involved the BC government’s plan to adopt the CVMA Code of Practice for Canadian Kennel Operations. In the spirit of collaboration, the BC SPCA was quick to confirm that they would exclude the CVMA position statement regarding cosmetic surgery from the new Code of Practice for Kennel Operations. The BC SPCA also noted that it was open to discussion about other provisions of concern to CKC and emphasized that the new legislation is intended to promote responsible dog breeding practices.  
CKC appreciates the BC SPCA’s collaborative approach and values their strong affiliation with the BC government. Our discussions with the BC SPCA are encouraging and we are keen to move forward, to build on our shared interests and mutual goals. A follow-up teleconference with the BC SPCA will take place later this month.
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