With close to 70 attendees, it was a full house at this year’s Annual General Meeting, held in Quebec City on Saturday, June 4.
Highlights included a special presentation on veterinary ophthalmology by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Université de Montréal, Dr. Michel Carrier, DVM, M. Sc. Following his presentation, Dr. Carrier was recognized for serving as 2015 Honourary Veterinarian. Ed Graveley was also recognized as the 2015 Honourary Chair.
CKC was also pleased to recognize local members, including Mario Beauregard, DMV, Hélène St-Hilaire, Annie Vézina and Suzanne Labrie for their time and contributions to the world of purebred dogs.
Fifty-year members, Sharon Derrick and Robert E. Healy were also presented with plaques in honour of their long-time service with the Club.
Once again, we would like to thank our sponsors: Pets Plus Us, BFL Canada, TLC and Ricoh for their generous support of this year’s AGM. Also, thanks to Linda St-Hilaire and her local organizing team for their hospitality. We also thank our clubs and members who made the trip to join us at the AGM.
This year, members can view specific agenda items by clicking on the appropriate
2016 CKC AGM video clips