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Notice to Herding Trial Clubs Re: Herding Novice Tested (New)

The following motion regarding a new Herding Novice Tested level at Herding Trials was passed by the CKC Board at its meeting in September 2015:
“THAT, the Herding Rules & Regulations, be amended by adding new sections effective January 1, 2016 to read ad follows:
11.2        Novice Tested
11.2.1     The Novice Tested level is not a competitive event. It is a pass or fail situation.
11.2.2    The Novice Tested course consists of 2 obstacles, designed by the course director including either pylon markers or fence line obstacles, or a mixture of both, and a recall of the dog off of the sheep.  The stock will be placed in the arena before the start of the run. The handler may choose to enter the arena before or after the stock are set out. The handler and dog will enter and leave the arena with the dog on lead.
11.2.3    In order to pass the Novice Tested level, a dog must:
(a)     Pick up stock in a calm, controlled manner;
(b)     Subsequently demonstrate a brief pause, stop or down somewhere on the course;
(c)     Take stock around or through the obstacles; and
(d)     Recall the dog off of the sheep.
11.2.4    In the Novice Tested level, the handler may walk around or through either of the obstacles without penalty.
11.2.5    In the Novice Tested level, the judge is in the arena with the handler and is encouraged to help make a success of the run with suggestions where necessary. The judge may not handle the dog for the entire test, but may intervene to settle the dog when deemed necessary by the judge."
8.             COURSES & EQUIPMENT
8.2           The Arena
8.2.2      The Novice Tested arena size for cattle and sheep may be held in an arena that is between 15.5 meters (50 ft) by 15.5 meters (50 ft) up to 30.5 meters (100 ft) by 30.5 meters (100 ft).  The shape of the arena can be round, square or rectangular.  The corners of a rectangular or square arena should be broken by a panel or appropriate material to eliminate the 90 degree corner.
11.1        Qualifying Scores
11.1.1    A qualifying score at all levels, with the exception of the Novice Tested and Herding Tested level, shall be 75 points with no incomplete sections. The Tested level receives no score, it is a pass/fail situation only.
6.             ENTRIES
6.1           Entry Requirements
6.1.7      With the exception of Novice Tested and Herding Tested, an entry shall not be made at an approved herding trial under a judge of any dog which the judge, or any member of his immediate family or household, within 6 months prior to the date of the trial, owns or has owned (wholly or in part), sold or held under lease.
10.1        Novice Tested
10.1.1     The CKC will permit the use of the letters “N.T.” signifying “Novice Tested” to be used in connection with and after the name of each dog which has met the requirements for that title as hereinafter provided.
10.1.2     To be permitted to use the title “Novice Tested” a dog must:
(a)   Be registered with the CKC, or have an Event Registration Number (ERN), or a  Performance Event Number (PEN) or if listed in the miscellaneous list a Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN);
(b)   Receive a pass in 2 tests and under 2 different judges in a Novice Tested level at approved herding trials.
10.1.3    When the foregoing requirements for the title “Novice Tested” are fully met, the owner (who must be recorded as owner in the records of the CKC) shall be entitled to a certificate issued by the CKC.
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