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CKC Presents 2015 Award to AVC Student

The Canadian Kennel Club is pleased to congratulate fourth-year student, Robin Hampton – the recipient of thisAVCRecipient2015.jpg year’s CKC-sponsored student award in support of the University of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC).

Each year, the CKC makes a financial donation towards a student award to support Canadian veterinary colleges like AVC.

Dr. Christine Savidge from the AVC Department of Companion Animal presented the award on behalf of CKC Zone 3 Director H. Brian Reid, at the Atlantic Veterinary College Recognition Night, October 7, 2015.

Robin is in her final year at AVC and hopes to graduate with her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine in 2016.  She has a keen interest in small animal companion medicine and after graduation, she hopes to work in companion animal private practice and continue to develop her technical skills and medical knowledge.  She also loves spending time with her English setters, and believes that they have been essential to her success in veterinary school.

Robin has been involved with animals all her life. She was raised by parents who are veterinarians and looks forward to continuing in their paths.  Congratulations Robin! CKC wishes you continued success in all your future endeavors.
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